What corruption is – Corrupt conduct

Defining corruption Definition of corruption: Corruption is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that affects various aspects of society. It can be broadly defined as the abuse of public power for personal gain or to benefit a particular group or individual....

Ethical leadership skills

Definition Ethical leadership is a concept that has garnered significant attention in the modern business world. It is defined as the moral principles and standards that guide an individual’s behavior as a leader. Ethical leaders are those who prioritize...

Types of organizational culture and its impacts

Defining types of organizational culture Organisational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, customs, and practices that characterise an organisation. It is the unwritten code of conduct that drives an organisation’s behaviour and shapes its...

Audit and assurance definition

Definition Audit refers to the process of analyzing and assessing an entities financial statements, internal controls, and procedures to ensure that they comply with established accounting standards. The main objective of an audit is to provide an independent...